domingo, 7 de agosto de 2011

Twenty seven

"You see the irony of fate,
I made beautiful music, and the whole world fascinated
I proved I could be more than pretty face
but today it all has a very bitter taste
everything was so easy, was to have been well
but now my face all the newspapers print
part of the curse of twenty-seven
it was so easy, was not to have been so
but I just wanted to escape the tabloids (and maybe me)
Before I just wanted an everlasting love, intense
but today no one around I cry
and the tears roll down my face
as if to get away from me
get rid of the prison of my sad eyes and suffered
Flashes paparazzi and gossip fans
all around me
but still it was all so easy
was not supposed to end like this
it was like living in hell
but I dribbled ways and rose to heaven
like a fast, easy, enjoyable, and down as if waking from a nightmare
but it was not to be so
day today July 24 I went up to heaven but I found the way back
and will remain here as every star shining"

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